Secret Technology Labs

Main Page About Us Anti-Gravity Psionics and Mind Control Jetpacks / Flying Alternative Medicine Weapons UFO Time Travel

Secret Technology - is a small research and developtment group dedicated to making secret, supressed and controversial information accessible to interested individuals. Our goal is to develop new advanced technologies and concepts and help move mankind into the 21st century and beyond.

Some of the various topics we currently deal with are:

  • Free-Energy
  • Antigravity
  • Psionics
  • Time Travel
  • Alternative Fuels
  • Space-Age-Weapons
  • UFO's
  • New-Age-Medicine
  • Bionics
  • High-Voltage
  • Strange Science
  • Ultrasonics
  • Lasers
  • Robotics
  • Surveillance
  • Pyrotechnics
  • And much more...

We have decided to go public with this information to help support our research and development costs of these various technologies. This will help us to bring even more advances and allow us to continue to disclose information which we consider to be precious.

Our information is presented in a simple, to-the-point format. Why waste precious time reading through piles of information that tells you nothing. We guarantee that all of our information is thoroughly researched and presented in a professional format that everyone can understand, from the layperson to the technical guru.

Main Page About Us Anti-Gravity Psionics and Mind Control Jetpacks / Flying Alternative Medicine Weapons UFO Time Travel

2005-2007 Secret Technology Labs









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